





★オススメ度  3


「口やかましく言うのをやめる 」 「イライラするのをやめる 」のふたつを実行すればいいだけ 。

あなた自身が意志力を持って何かを始めれば 、それは必ず子どもへ感染し 、子どもの意志力を高め 、必ず子どもは変わり始めます 。

・誘惑に負けず 、自分が決めたことをやり遂げること 。
 ・自分の望みを見失わず 、それに向けて実践できること 。
こんな子どもになってほしいと願うなら 、まず始めるのは自分自身のチャレンジ 。

②ゆっくり呼吸する鼻からゆっくりと息を吸い込み 、口からゆっくり吐き出します 。 「 7秒かけて吸い 、 7秒かけて吐く 」のが目安です 。

「話を聞いてもらえること 」で 、人は心を開くのです 。なにより 、黙って子どもの話を聞くこと 。親はあえて 「話さない 」が正解 

"Child-rearing becomes easy with psychology" daigo

★ Recommended degree 3

I want to try. It is easy to understand what he explained from my child's psychology.

You only have to do two things: "Stop giving up nervously" and "Stop being irritated".

If you start to do something with your will, it will surely infect the child, increase the will of the child, and the child will surely begin to change.

· Do not defeat temptation, accomplish what you decide.
 · Do not lose sight of your wishes, what you can practice for it.
If you wish to be such a child, it is your own challenge to get started.

Meditation is recommended.
② slowly breathe Inhale slowly from the nose and spit out slowly from the mouth. "Sucking in 7 seconds and spit for 7 seconds" is a rule of thumb.

With "being able to listen to stories", people open their minds. The most important thing is to listen to the children talking silently. Parents dare to "do not speak" correctly





★オススメ度 3



経験がついて来れば、リスクを許容できる体質になっており 、恐怖も感じなかったはずであるが、1年半悩みぬいた挙句の 1棟目であるため 、不安になっても仕方がない 。しかし 、今思えばこの 「悩む 、恐れる 」という経験が自分のキャパシティを強引に広げたと感じている 。恐らく 、どの不動産投資家もこの感覚を一度は味わっているはずである 。その経験の有無が、不動産投資をしていない方たちとの大きな違いなのかもしれない

This can be said to investment. How many actions should be taken while eliminating the risk of one exit.

With numerous actions, I become my own living know-how and I feel like I can get a new perspective.

If experiences come, it has become a constitution which can accept risks and should have not felt even fear, but since it is the 1st building of a year and a half worrying trouble, it can not be helped even if it becomes uneasy. However, now I feel that this experience of "worrying, fearing" has forcibly expanded my capacity. Perhaps any real estate investor should have experienced this feeling once. Whether that experience may be a big difference with people who do not invest in real estate





★オススメ度  5



「ビジョンとはね 、自分は何になりたいのか 、どんな人生を送りたいのか 」

たしかに 、お金も富の一部だけれど 、専門の知識や経験 、ノウハウ 、信用 、仲間も富なんだよ 。実は 、こっちのほうがずっと大事なんだ

「自分の力だけで富を得た人なんてこの世にいない 。富は 、他人の時間 、能力 、熱意などを活用してつくることもできるんだ 。きみのために喜んで力を貸してくれる人がまわりにいたり 、目標にできる人を知っていることが大事だ 。そのためには 、どういう人たちと付き合うのか 、どんなコミュニケ ーションのしかたをするのかが重要なんだ 。富を得るための鍵になるからね 」

表面的なコミュニケ ーション
本音のコミュニケ ーション
高め合えるコミュニケ ーション
社会的影響を与えられるコミュニケ ーション

収入の一部を 、投資に使ってみた 。すると 、資金のバケツに水がたくさんたまって 、そのバケツから 、 『 2つめのお金の蛇口 』ができたんだ 。つまり 、働くだけがお金をつくる方法じゃない 。 『 2つめのお金の蛇口 』をつくり 、そこからお金のしずくを出す方法があることに気がついた 」









How to invest money and time, a valuable resource?

It teaches a fundamental attitude.

"What is vision, what do you want to become, what kind of life do you want to send?"

Certainly, money is part of wealth, but professional knowledge and experience, know-how, credit and colleagues are rich. Actually, this one has always been more important

"People who gained wealth only by their own strengths are not in this world, wealth can also be made using other people's time, ability, enthusiasm, etc. People who willingly will lend the power for you It is important that you are around and you know the person who can be a goal, for which reason it is important to know who you are going to be and how to communicate. I from "

Surface Communication
Communication of real intention
Increasing communication
Communicating with social influence

I used a part of my income for investment. Then, a lot of water accumulated in the bucket of funds, and from that bucket I got a "second money tap". In other words, working alone is not a way to make money. I made a "second money tap" and found that there was a way to get a drop of money from there. "

Investing time for yourself. Study, good things to the body, making friends.

Sowing, raising and harvesting seeds at the right time. It also applies to studying, making friends, investing.

What to do after getting wealth is important.

To make a mechanism that comes from fish, despite the desperation of people desperately trying to catch them.

It is premised that first class people will fail nine times out of ten. It is important to continue without giving up.

When the riches that springed up at every place resonate with each other, things with wavelengths attract each other. Evidence that you walk around the right path as you get great things around you.

As the standard is increased, the behavior also changes, so the result also changes

Definition of wealth is "what is left when all the money is lost"





★オススメ度 4.5











★ Recommended degree 4.5

Mr. Murakami 's inner curtain of investment activities and how to think as an investor can be known.

Actively not only for investment but also for advance activities was surprising.

Investors fund according to risks and returns and monitor from the outside whether the company is functioning. The manager explains the business plan to the investor, manages the internal staff and business partners and makes the maximum return.

Investor and manager are different things.

As an investor, three points of expected value, IRR, risk.

The expected value is the product of the probability multiplied by the return of the option. I will not do it unless it is positive.

Qualitative analysis is necessary to assess risk.

How quickly can you cut down what is important as an investor?

Do not be afraid.


週末起業 (ちくま新書)

週末起業 (ちくま新書)

★オススメ度 3.5 





いま不安にさらされているのは 「雇われる 」という生き方です 。ところが 、先にあげた 「転職する 」 「副業をする 」という対応は 、いずれも 「雇われる 」ことからの脱却ではなく 、 「雇われ先 」を変えることにすぎない。

日本の会社のうち八割以上の会社が 、副業または兼業を禁止しています (一九九五年労働生産性本部の調査 ) 。これに違反すれば 、服務規程違反になります 。
とくに 、 

ただ反対に 、これに該当しなければ 、万が一会社と訴訟になっても勝てる確率が高いという弁護士もいます 。

売る物はありきたりでも 、お客さんを絞り込んだり 、これまで誰も売ろうとしなかった対象に売ることでユニ ークなビジネスが生まれることがあります。

実は意外と盲点なのですが 、週末起業の妨げになるのが 、周囲のねたみややっかみです。

「雑所得 」は 、事前に申請する必要がありません 。また年間二十万円を超えない年は 、確定申告すら 、必要がありません 。ですから 「まず始めてみたい 」という人は 、 「雑所得 」として申告することをお勧めします
★ Recommended degree 3.5

By working way reform, more freelance and side job forms will be born.

It seems to be a suggestion at that time. I can not believe I wrote it in 2003, it will come true.

I thought that there was value in talk about taxation, how the company side does not appear.

In addition, I felt the possibility that the tax related services including crowdsourcing, cloud accounting, media will create new value.

What I am concerned about is the way I live "being hired". However, the correspondence of "to change jobs" and "to do side jobs" mentioned above is not a breakdown from being "hired" but only to change "to be hired".

More than 80% of Japanese companies prohibit side jobs or concurrent work (survey of labor productivity headquarters in 1995). If it violates this, it becomes a violation of the service regulations.
In particular,
· I will do it during my working hours
· Doing things that will interfere with business
· Doing batting for company work
· I will bring out the property of the company

On the contrary, some lawyers say that if you do not fall under this, there is a high chance of winning even if you are in lawsuit with the company.

Even if there are ordinary things to sell, narrowing down customers or selling them to targets that no one tried to sell sometimes creates a unique business.

Actually it is surprisingly a blind spot, but what hinders entrepreneurship on the weekend is surrounding envy and troubles.

"Miscellaneous income" does not need to apply in advance. In addition, for years that do not exceed 200,000 yen a year, there is no need for a final declaration. So it is recommended that those who "want to start with" first declare it as "miscellaneous income"



TraveLife クリエイティブに生きるために旅から学んだ35の大切なこと

TraveLife クリエイティブに生きるために旅から学んだ35の大切なこと

★オススメ度 4 (5点満点)




未知の部分が大きければ大きいほど 、人生の選択肢は狭まってしまう 。仮に会社と家の往復ばかりで何年も過ごす人がいたら 、彼らの選択肢はいつまでも増えず 、可能性は年を経るごとに狭くなっていくだろう 。

自分の可能性を広げるには選択肢をふやすこと 。その最良の策は 、未知のものと出会うこと 。そして未知のものに出会う一番簡単かつ効果的な方法は 、旅であると僕は考えている 。

A co - working space like wework spreads, and I feel that travel abroad with overseas like Mr. Naoyuki Honda will become more general.

When a journey is a profession, creator and so on, investment will be a way to earn one revenue.

Just like Jim Rogers, I went around the world and I was convinced of the growth of China.

The greater the unknown part, the narrower the options of life. If there were people who spend years with just the company and house round-trip, their choices will not increase forever and the possibilities will become narrower as age goes on.

Increase your choices to expand your possibilities. The best solution is to meet unknown things. And I think that the easiest and most effective way to meet unknown is travel.




 ★オススメ度  5 (5点満点)






バフェットのおかげで 、私は優れた人たちとともに人生を過ごすこと以上に大事なことはないと知った 。言い換えれば 、人との関係こそが 、決定的に重要なのである


A young man who admired Buffett started up the fund himself and talked about finding standards for value investment of his own and succeeding.

Value You can relive the trip on the inside of the investor.

At that time I was studying pursuing everyone's approval and evaluation in accordance with Warren Buffett's "outer scorecard", but if you do it, it will easily flow in the wrong direction There is.

Value investment means you have to go your own way. Pursuing value investment is because everyone finds that they are wrong and uses that misunderstanding to make a profit. However, in order to do that, you have to change yourself to evaluate yourself with an "inner scorecard." In case

In order to become a good investor, you need to recognize yourself as a heretic. Perhaps the real goal is not to be recognized by everyone, but to become able to recognize themselves.

Thanks to Buffett, I learned that there was nothing more important than spending my life with excellent people. In other words, the relationship with people is definitely important

There is nothing more important than spending the life with the right person. Because they will tell you everything you need to know.
