




★オススメ度  5



「ビジョンとはね 、自分は何になりたいのか 、どんな人生を送りたいのか 」

たしかに 、お金も富の一部だけれど 、専門の知識や経験 、ノウハウ 、信用 、仲間も富なんだよ 。実は 、こっちのほうがずっと大事なんだ

「自分の力だけで富を得た人なんてこの世にいない 。富は 、他人の時間 、能力 、熱意などを活用してつくることもできるんだ 。きみのために喜んで力を貸してくれる人がまわりにいたり 、目標にできる人を知っていることが大事だ 。そのためには 、どういう人たちと付き合うのか 、どんなコミュニケ ーションのしかたをするのかが重要なんだ 。富を得るための鍵になるからね 」

表面的なコミュニケ ーション
本音のコミュニケ ーション
高め合えるコミュニケ ーション
社会的影響を与えられるコミュニケ ーション

収入の一部を 、投資に使ってみた 。すると 、資金のバケツに水がたくさんたまって 、そのバケツから 、 『 2つめのお金の蛇口 』ができたんだ 。つまり 、働くだけがお金をつくる方法じゃない 。 『 2つめのお金の蛇口 』をつくり 、そこからお金のしずくを出す方法があることに気がついた 」









How to invest money and time, a valuable resource?

It teaches a fundamental attitude.

"What is vision, what do you want to become, what kind of life do you want to send?"

Certainly, money is part of wealth, but professional knowledge and experience, know-how, credit and colleagues are rich. Actually, this one has always been more important

"People who gained wealth only by their own strengths are not in this world, wealth can also be made using other people's time, ability, enthusiasm, etc. People who willingly will lend the power for you It is important that you are around and you know the person who can be a goal, for which reason it is important to know who you are going to be and how to communicate. I from "

Surface Communication
Communication of real intention
Increasing communication
Communicating with social influence

I used a part of my income for investment. Then, a lot of water accumulated in the bucket of funds, and from that bucket I got a "second money tap". In other words, working alone is not a way to make money. I made a "second money tap" and found that there was a way to get a drop of money from there. "

Investing time for yourself. Study, good things to the body, making friends.

Sowing, raising and harvesting seeds at the right time. It also applies to studying, making friends, investing.

What to do after getting wealth is important.

To make a mechanism that comes from fish, despite the desperation of people desperately trying to catch them.

It is premised that first class people will fail nine times out of ten. It is important to continue without giving up.

When the riches that springed up at every place resonate with each other, things with wavelengths attract each other. Evidence that you walk around the right path as you get great things around you.

As the standard is increased, the behavior also changes, so the result also changes

Definition of wealth is "what is left when all the money is lost"
