


週末起業 (ちくま新書)

週末起業 (ちくま新書)

★オススメ度 3.5 





いま不安にさらされているのは 「雇われる 」という生き方です 。ところが 、先にあげた 「転職する 」 「副業をする 」という対応は 、いずれも 「雇われる 」ことからの脱却ではなく 、 「雇われ先 」を変えることにすぎない。

日本の会社のうち八割以上の会社が 、副業または兼業を禁止しています (一九九五年労働生産性本部の調査 ) 。これに違反すれば 、服務規程違反になります 。
とくに 、 

ただ反対に 、これに該当しなければ 、万が一会社と訴訟になっても勝てる確率が高いという弁護士もいます 。

売る物はありきたりでも 、お客さんを絞り込んだり 、これまで誰も売ろうとしなかった対象に売ることでユニ ークなビジネスが生まれることがあります。

実は意外と盲点なのですが 、週末起業の妨げになるのが 、周囲のねたみややっかみです。

「雑所得 」は 、事前に申請する必要がありません 。また年間二十万円を超えない年は 、確定申告すら 、必要がありません 。ですから 「まず始めてみたい 」という人は 、 「雑所得 」として申告することをお勧めします
★ Recommended degree 3.5

By working way reform, more freelance and side job forms will be born.

It seems to be a suggestion at that time. I can not believe I wrote it in 2003, it will come true.

I thought that there was value in talk about taxation, how the company side does not appear.

In addition, I felt the possibility that the tax related services including crowdsourcing, cloud accounting, media will create new value.

What I am concerned about is the way I live "being hired". However, the correspondence of "to change jobs" and "to do side jobs" mentioned above is not a breakdown from being "hired" but only to change "to be hired".

More than 80% of Japanese companies prohibit side jobs or concurrent work (survey of labor productivity headquarters in 1995). If it violates this, it becomes a violation of the service regulations.
In particular,
· I will do it during my working hours
· Doing things that will interfere with business
· Doing batting for company work
· I will bring out the property of the company

On the contrary, some lawyers say that if you do not fall under this, there is a high chance of winning even if you are in lawsuit with the company.

Even if there are ordinary things to sell, narrowing down customers or selling them to targets that no one tried to sell sometimes creates a unique business.

Actually it is surprisingly a blind spot, but what hinders entrepreneurship on the weekend is surrounding envy and troubles.

"Miscellaneous income" does not need to apply in advance. In addition, for years that do not exceed 200,000 yen a year, there is no need for a final declaration. So it is recommended that those who "want to start with" first declare it as "miscellaneous income"
